Friday, September 25, 2009

We're pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I think this has been the longest day of my life!! I've been freaking out because Dr. Ahlering's office was not calling...I've been crying...I e-mailed them and called and left a message for someone to please call me...and almost 2 hours later they finally did...and the verdict...we're pregnant!!!!!!!! Our betas were 7 & likely only one little one growing in there, but as long as it's in the right place and all is well I don't care!! Hooray! Our first ultrasound will be October 6th. More to come...once I can stop shaking! hehe! :o)

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers...keep em coming!


  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Oh my goodness Maureen. I have been refreshing your blog all day and am in tears right now. God is so so awesome. This is too cool!! Congrats to both of you! And I wouldn't discount there being two in there just yet. My betas were 21 & 69... not all that high either. And, going off of that, you have a doubling rate that is greater than even what mine was, so who knows!! Big hug for you! Have a great weekend Mommy-to-be!!!

  2. Oh how exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!! First thing I did when we walked in the door after being gone since late morning! I am so very excited for you guys!!! Congrats!!!!!!! Can't wait to read all about the first ultrasound! :-) And I agree with Cathy, don't dismiss the possibility of twins just yet... :-) Prayers still coming for you all!
