Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Moving Target

I had another ultrasound and bloodtest today and Dr. A seemed genuingly pleased with the progress we made since much so that we're doing another round of stims tonight and doing it all over again tomorrow. So no trigger shot tonight and no egg retrieval on now appears that it will be Saturday. He's still guestimating the number to be in the upper please keep praying that it all works out and that they are all good quality eggs...because I know that is the most important thing ;o) even if there are only 8 or 9 of them!

It was the ultrasound Dr. A came in without the nurse and said she'd be right behind him...typically someone comes in with him and writes down the size of the follicles as he calls them out for each side. So we got started and he starts measuring all of them, but no one ever came in. So he was like holding the "ultrasound wand" with one hand and reaching for a paper towel and pen with the other so he could keep track of all of them! Haha! He was having trouble juggling it all and was maneuvering to try and find another position to do it all. I offered to help write them down from my reclined state and he quickly responded, "no, no...your only job is to work on making some nice good follicles!" Haha...I asked him if that meant I didn't have to go back to work after this. We both got a good laugh out of it and he said I should call in and tell them I'm taking the day off to make follicles! Wouldn't that be great *grin*

Other than that I'm feeling a little more optimistic today...thanks to everyone for cheering me up and reminding me that 8-10 can totally result in a healthy baby! So positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts...:o)

More tomorrow...

Countdown to ER: ~3 Days!! *again*

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