Monday, November 2, 2009

9 weeks & we've gone public!

For Halloween I decided that I was going to use my costume as an announcement to everyone at work that we were I ordered a lovely "bun in the oven" costume online and proudly wore it in to the office on Friday! It was pretty funny watching everyone try and first of all figure out what I was...and then catch on that it was more than just a costume. I think the whole "bun in the oven" thing is kinda old school as some people just couldn't figure it out...when asked "what is Maureen", they would respond "an oven"...and when pushed to say "what is in the oven" I get many responses like "a pizza" or "a cookie"...haha! So I would give in and help them out by saying "it's a bun in the oven...and in real life too...wink/wink...nudge/nudge" was fun...and especially fun to get all the hugs and congratulations! I've been waiting for this day for a LONG time!!! It's a little nerve-wracking now that the news is out there...that there is no more hiding...and that if something does go wrong now the pain will be known to all. But I'm thinking happy thoughts and just trying to enjoy the journey because it is amazing that we've made it...that it finally really does seem to be our turn!!

1 comment:

  1. That is the funniest thing ever!!!! I LOVE it!!!! :-) Such a great memory you will forever cherish and of course, share with your baby!!! :-)
