Monday, November 9, 2009

It's always something…

I am so thankful that so far, this pregnancy has been very easy as far as pregnancy symptoms go…besides a twinge of naseau (not even enough to have me headed for the toilet) and some slight indegestion...I really haven't had much of anything. The little one is being very kind to me so far…and I'm so very grateful. I haven't been feeling exactly great though over the past 10 weeks…you all heard about my lovely allergic reaction…well the rash is almost completely gone now and I've been able to ween myself off the claritin that my dr. prescribed, but just when I thought I could feel normal for a little bit…my body had other plans! Last Tuesday night right before bed I had a slight sore throat…nothing major…but enough to be noticed…and then...I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like utter and total crap! My throat hurt so bad I avoided swallowing as much as I possibly could! My whole body ached and the thought of getting out of bed made me cringe! I notified my boss that I would not be coming in and went back to bed until the doctors office opened. I was able to get an appointment that afternoon. I was sure it was strep…I wasn't stuffy or coughing or anything…it was just a straight sore throat, but the test that afternoon confirmed it wasn't. My doctor said there was nothing she could do for me, but to tell me I was going to feel like crap for 7-10 days and that is was probably going to get worse before it was going to get better! Great! So I have spent the past 5 days almost completely horizontal! Horrible body aches, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose…you get the picture. It was miserable!! And probably the worst part was it was absolutely gorgeous outside!! And today I'm starting to feel slightly like a human being again and wouldn't you know it…it's a cloudy, grey day :o( Oh well…I'm just so thankful to be out of the house and off the couch for awhile! Hopefully NOW I can start to feel normal and just enjoy being pregnant…we shall see…haha :o)

One thing my doctor and I talked about quite a bit while I was there (even though I could barely hold my head up and really just wanted to be home on the couch) was some information about labor and delivery and breastfeeding. She had come to my infertility support group at one time and really has a passion around informing women about their options for childbirth and trying to make it an enjoyable experience (well as enjoyable as possible that is…haha). She told me to check out Ina May's book Guide to Childbirth and said that Jacob and I should both watch the video The Business of Being Born. She also gave me information on some Doula's that she recommends. I don't know a lot about Doula's at this point, but she said for only a couple hundred dollars they are a wonderful addition to the childbirth experience…they will help you labor at home and will come with you to the hospital and help you throughout the entire labor and delivery…and even with breastfeeding if needed. So although I have a lot of information to read and review…I am actually considering trying to have this baby the old fashioned way…i.e., no drugs! We'll see how I feel in about 7 months, but it's definitely a possibility!

The other story I have to tell before I go…I woke up the other morning and realized I had my first dream about whether we are having a girl or a boy…I've been thinking it's a boy all along…not really sure why…just my feeling…so the other night I had a dream that we were at the 20 week ultrasound appointment and the tech announed…"it's a boy!!" I blurted out "yeah, Noah Daniel"…not sure where Daniel came from, but Jacob and I both kinda like it…so if it is a boy Noah Daniel might just be his name :o) Well then yesterday Jacob tells me he also had a dream with the ultrasound tech announcing to us that it's a boy! Crazy huh? Jacob's sure that means we're haivng a girl…haha!! Guess we'll find out in a few short months!!

I go back to the OB on Thursday for an appointment…don't think I'll get an u/s at this one, but my sister said they will likely do the doppler to hear the heartbeat…so that gives me something to look forward to…yeah!! That and hopefully a week with out being sick!!

1 comment:

  1. Old Fashion way? Ouch!!! I couldn't handle it, but maybe next time I will try. I love Noah Daniel.
