Monday, October 26, 2009

One perfect little June Bug

I think I've decided to rename our little miracle (although she/he always will be our miracle too) to our little June bug since at the OB appointment today we we're officially told that June 5th is our due date! Yeah! It was a perfect appointment...the best part of course being the chance to see our little bug again...and he/she is getting so big!! I can't believe the changes that have occurred in the past week and a could see his head, and little arm buds, and leg buds, and we heard the amazing sound of the heartbeat!! It was great...173 beats per minute which they said we perfect. Jacob joked later at how many times they said everything looked we are right on track!! Our little bug is measuring right at 8 weeks 2 days exactly...hooray!! I'm so happy everything is going well. I've included one of the ultrasound pictures for your viewing pleasure :o)

I was going to label it, but didn't have a the big white circle is the yolk sac...and she said that hangs around until my placenta is fully formed...and it is right by the babies hopefully that gives you some reference of what you are looking at.

The only other major event of the day was getting my H1N1 vaccination. My doctor strongly recommended it and since they had it available right then I said "let's do it!" Not sure how long till I'm considered immune to it, but hopefully the baby and I can steer clear of it atleast until then!! So we go back in two weeks for another appointment (probably not another and then after that we start on a monthly schedule. I'm actually starting to feel like we're a normal pregnant couple and it's great!!


  1. Your June Bug is perfect!!! Leaning towards boy or girl yet??? I hope you stay away from the Swine Flu!!

  2. Oh how neat Maureen - what a cool ultrasound! Loving your great news!!
