Saturday, October 24, 2009

8 weeks...oh my!!

Today marked 8 weeks for us! Can you believe it! Our little one is the size of a rasberry (one site said kidney bean, but I like the sound of rasberry better...haha) now and hopefully growing away!! On Monday we get to go in for our third ultrasound to hear the precious little heartbeat...this will also be our first official OB appointment so I know he'll go over everything with us, hopefully give us a due date (all I have so far is the one I found online based on our embryo transfer date), and make sure everything looks good! I've actually already talked to our OB once as I had to call the after hours line last Saturday when I was running a low grade fever and just not feeling great. Luckily it turned out to be a little bug that went away within a few days...and he didn't put me on theraflu as I guess in the first 13 weeks it is strongly recommended against.

Speaking of being sick though this has been a rough week for me. It didn't help that work has been SUPER crazy and I was feeling completely overwhelmed by the number of things I had going on both during the day and into the evenings, but I've also been suffering from quite a bit of heartburn/indigestion. I've also had some spouts of morning sickness...although it is typically cured by eating something...which usually leads to more heartburn...haha! The real kicker this week though has been an allergic reaction to the progesterone shots that has been getting progressively worse and worse over the past few weeks until I finally broke down and contacted Dr. Ahlering's office because I couldn't take it any more! Since probably a week or two into getting the shots I started to develop a small rash and itchiness around the injection site. Andrea, my nurse coordinator, recommended putting ice packs on the spots and some cortizone cream. This was working ok...not great, but I could manage. Then more recently as Jacob was injecting the shot, it began to feel like it was filling up in my chest...I would start coughing before he could even get the needle out. And this got increasingly worse until Wednesday night when I was coughing and hacking like crazy as my chest was just on fire! And it was a pointless cough because it did not help anything...the burning would not go away. And even today, several days later, I can not breathe in deeply without feeling the heaviness in my chest and coughing. Luckily we were only one shot away from reaching the end of our calendar so when I contacted Andrea and Dr. Ahlering, they told me to stop the shots IMMEDIATELY!! So hooray! No more shots!! Atleast not until we transfer our five little freezer babies down the road...and guess we'll need to come up with an alternative for the progesterone ones when the times comes.

I can't wait for the ultrasound on Monday!! I will definitely let you all know how it goes!

Countdown to 3rd U/S: 2 days!!!

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