Saturday, October 3, 2009

5 Weeks Pregnant

Today I am officially 5 weeks pregnant...I think. I'm not exactly sure how it's all calculated with IVF, but according to the book I'm reading I think today marks the 5 week point!! It's been a pretty non eventful week...I am feeling a little more tired, a LOT more thirsty...I can't get enough water...and occasionally a little bit queasy, but overall I'm feeling pretty normal and am shocked that there is a baby or two growing in side of me. I'm sure all the symptoms will come...or I pray they will. I never thought I'd say this, but the idea of morning sickness makes me excited because I think in some kind of strange way it will be reassuring that things are going well.

I have been doing some reading this past week thanks to a lovely present we received from Jacob's sister Shannon and her husband Kyle. This present was actually given to us back in February with our first pregnancy, but luckily Jacob was able to intercept it before I found it after the news that the pregnancy was not viable. So it's been in hiding until last Friday where we took it out and opened it together. Jacob and I each got a book and our first official baby item...the softest, sweetest little blanket. I took a picture of it all so you could see. My book is a pregnancy journal that has a day-by-day guide to your pregnancy where you can track how you are feeling, what you're thinking, etc. I love it! Each day I read about what the precious little miracles are doing...and how they are changing and growing each and every's truly amazing!! And just reminds you what a blessing it is to be pregnant!

And lastly and most importantly, this coming Tuesday marks our first ultrasound! I am so unbelievably nervous and excited I can't even express it! I can't wait to get a peek at what is going on in find out if there's one or see them and know how they are doing...if they are growing like they are supposed to...if their hearts are beating yet...I just can't wait! It will be here soon!! And I just hope and pray that things look great and that maybe I can begin to relax a little more...begin to enjoy it all...begin to start bonding with the little one(s)...begin to start making some plans for our future together!! Tuesday is a big day!! I hope to have more great news to share then!!

Countdown to ultrasound: 3 days!!


  1. Such a wonderful little gift set! Your first for bab(ies)! :-) So excited to hear how many babes you have on Tuesday... Congrats!

  2. Can't wait to hear the update about your little one(s)! Tomorrow is another big, exciting day! Loving your first baby gift - those are so fun, and so surreal!!
