Monday, December 7, 2009

The 2nd trimester is here!

So as of Saturday we are 14 weeks and officially in the 2nd trimester!! Woohoo! And to celebrate we bought the nursery furniture! Here is a picture of it...although we actually got it in the espresso color which you'll see in the picture below with the full size bed. The crib actually converts into a toddler bed and then the full size bed you see below. Pretty cool!! We got all the pieces you see in the two pictures except the hutch. So we have a crib, a dresser/changing table, a nightstand, and a tall 4 drawer dresser! We are all set. All we need now is a rocker of some kind, the bedding, and some decorations!! They will likely be delivering it in the next few weeks since it was a floor model so it's time to clean out the office to make room!!

Besides furniture, so far the second trimester has brought with it some naseau...which to me seems very strange since the second trimester is when all this is supposed to end, but I guess everyone is different. I'm finally starting to understand what the other girls have been talking about this whole time. Up until a few weeks ago everything smelled and tasted amazing to me! It was like my nose and taste buds had a whole new life!! I loved it! Now half the things I smell make me feel sick and eating has become more of a function than an enjoyment. Hopefully it will pass, but if not I will surely live with it.

Lastly I've been busy be-dazzling myself some shirts. I made a "body by baby" shirt to get me through this transition of..."is she pregnant or just getting fat" and a "what's kickin" shirt for when I get a little more round and hopefully start feeling the little one kickin around in there! Here are some pictures of those as well.

We go back to the OB on Thursday and I cannot wait!! It seems like it's been forever!! I'm going to try and talk him in to doing an ultrasound to see if we can tell if it's a boy or a girl yet...and just to be able to get another peek at our little june bug! I don't know if he'll agree, but I figure it's worth a try. If not, our BIG ultrasound should be the first week of we'll know soon if it's going to be Autumn or Noah!!


  1. I love it all! So wonderful to hear the nursery furniture is purchased and things are coming along nicely for your little June bug! :-)

    BTW- I totally love the shirts! Did you really make them yourself?? Great job!

    I can't wait to hear what you're having!!!

  2. Maureen! The 2nd trimester already :) Hooray!! I just love the furniture - beautiful. The shirts are amazing too and very fun! Glad you're enjoying every minute of your pregnancy :) Crossing my fingers for you that you will be able to get another scan soon!!
