Friday, December 18, 2009

The weeks keep on flying by...

Once again it's been a busy week and finding the time to post obviously didn't make the list of is the holiday season though so I'm sure you all understand. I have to tell you the week started off last Sunday with a Baptism for my niece Sophie. And unfortunately, what started out with a nice little ceremony with family and friends, turned into a priest telling everyone just what he thought about the practice of in vetro fertilization. I think his exact quote was something like "It's so wonderful to celebrate the life of little Sophie, especially when the world is filled with such blasphemious things as abortion and in vetro fertilization" Um, what?? The fact that he's going to group abortion and in vetro fertilization into the same category!?! I'm sorry, but I don't think he understands that the first of those things is destroying life...killing innocent little babies that have no chance at the life they were meant to lead. And the second, is creating life...creating little babies that might have otherwise never made it to this earth. And if you ask me, just like all babies, in vetro babies are a special blessing from God and his opinion can in no way take away from the fact that the baby I'm carrying IS a gift from God!! I understand that there are people who abuse the medical practice of IVF...and make embryo creation more of a sport, where they pick the ones they want and discard the rest...or do selective reduction because they aren't prepared to carry multiples. But for most of us, it is not like that at all! The creation of an embryo is the creation of a baby...and not one single one is destroyed...they are all given the chance to grow and mature into what will one day be our children!! And I'm sorry that his mindset is too narrow to understand that, but maybe it would be different if he had to walk in the shoes of an infertile for awhile!

Ok, I will get off my soapbox now...phew! Thanks for letting me vent! In other news we had our OB appointment on December 10th...and everything looked and sounded great. My dr. didn't have time to do an ultrasound, but we did get to hear little june bugs heartbeat on the doppler so that still made for a great visit! AND...he is letting us come back in this coming Monday to hopefully find out if it's a boy or a girl!!! We'll be just over 16 weeks so it's a little early, but I know plenty of people that found out that early, so I'm just hoping and praying we'll be able to as well!! That would be a great Christmas tell everyone the baby is healthy and that it's an...Autumn or Noah!! I'll definitely let you know if we find out!!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting {about the upcoming u/s and hopefully finding out}!!!! :-)

    About this priest... Wow. So much to say about that yet all of it useless as you already know the most important, your little June bug is indeed a gift from God!!!!!
