Thursday, July 23, 2009

And the countdown begins...

Well Monday was our much anticipated IVF calendar review (you would think "much anticipated" would mean I would have written about it that night, but I think I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out…so bear with me). Overall the meeting went very well. Andrea, who will be our nurse coordinator throughout the process, was very nice and comforting and assured us multiple times that she understands what we're going through and that we are absolutely in the best care possible with Dr. Ahlering…who actually helped her conceive her two youngest children. That was definitely reassuring…and made me feel good that she truly did know what it was like to go through this crazy rollercoaster ride called IVF.

She gave us many handouts…all from the brightly colored calendar highlighting when to take all the medications, how much, etc…to detailed pictures showing how to perfectly fill a syringe and give the shot…to our pharmacy script showing the list of the many, many drugs we will be purchasing! It is a LOT of information…and I still have not reviewed it all, but I do have it all neatly organized into a binder that I decorated with pictures of babies and pregnancy and proudly named "Praying for a Family." So it's a start *smile*

Our stimulating (stim) med will be Gonal-F and from the dosages listed it does appear that we will not really be doing the low stim method…which was kind of what I figured, but that's ok. I'm sure Dr. Ahlering knows what's best as he does this all the time…and has practiced as an RE for many, many years. But of course, there is also a part of me that still wonders if we really do need a lot of extra drugs or if low stim really would work for us. I mean even with my high FSH (I really need to find out what the number is, because I can never remember) I responded REALLY well to the chlomid cycles we've done…and have had comments on several occasions, like "wow, even with your FSH your body seems to respond really well." So I am a little concerned about hyperstimulation on a full dose cycle, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see…and trust that he has thoroughly reviewed our case and picked everything based solely on what is best for us. And hopefully everything will go smoothly and we'll have a perfect number of follicles that will lead to a couple of healthy babies in our not so distant future!

So for now I'm trying to take things one day at a time…and relax! Ha…that is such a catch 22 in the infertility world, but I'll give it a try *smile* And although our first shot of Lupron isn't until the morning of August 20th…I'm sure it will be here before we know it so I'm going to try and enjoy things like sleeping through the night, caffeine, doing the P90X workout with Jacob, not living by a clock where everything is scheduled…and maybe even enjoying a beer or two…hehe…things that, come August 20th, will be a thing of the past…and hopefully for the next nine months!!

Shot Countdown: 28 Days

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