Thursday, August 27, 2009

All Systems a "GO"

Today was our baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. They are mainly just checking to ensure you don't have any cysts on your ovaries and to see what your antral follicle (or resting follicle) count is. I got there a little early because I had to have my blood drawn before 9 AM (directly across the hall) and my appointment wasn't until 9:20. To my surprise though they got me in right away and I only had to sit and wait in the exam room a short time before Dr. A. came in. As an aside, I was having a little battle going on in my head as I waited in the exam room...the nurse that ushered me in there told me to undress from the waist down and have a seat on the table, which I promply did, but as I sat there and waited I became rather bored and my eye kept being drawn to the lovely, colorful magazines piled into a rack on the back of the door. I just kept thinking "man, I wish I had grabbed one of those before I undressed...I could hop up and get one now and surely no one would walk in"..."buuuuttt, what if they did walk in...all I have is this little paper table cloth thing to cover up with and it definitely won't do me much good!" Haha...I restrained myself and just waited probably would have been a funnier story if I hadn't *smile* Anyway...back to my point...he did the ultrasound and found no cysts...yeah!! And approximately 12 follicles...double yeah! I've been trying to find what a "good" number of resting follicles is and it seems like anything over 10 is decent. So with 12 it's going to depend a lot on how I respond to the stimulating meds. Overall I feel pretty good about the day and will just keep praying my ovaries just LOVE being stimulated and we have lots and lots of good quality eggs to retrieve in a little over two weeks!!

Countdown to ER: ~16 days!

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