Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two Timing

So as the title implies we are currently two timing our doctors. We are seeing two different RE's at the moment trying to determine where we go from here. With Dr. Pearlstone we are patiently waiting for our scheduled Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy procedure on July 16th. And the plan after we complete the surgery is to move on to two more rounds of chlomid and IUI's…I mean it almost worked once, seems worthwhile to give it another go, right? But while we are waiting we decided to explore our options and paid a visit to Dr. Ahlering of the Sher institute about a month ago. Dr. Ahlering was kinda on the fence about what we could and couldn't do regarding his many IVF packages so he put us through a thorough round of tests. The IVF we are really hoping to qualify for with him is called the "low stimulus IVF." It is about 40% cheaper including the price of drugs! Who wouldn't want to qualify for that? So here we are a month later waiting to find out our test results and tonight is the night! I have a 5:30 telephone call scheduled with him and I have to admit I am kinda freaking out. What if he found additional issues? What if we don't qualify for the low stim protocol? What if we do qualify for the low stim…do we chuck all our plans to have the polyp removed and my tube all cleaned and shined up and proceed directly to IVF foregoing the chlomid/IUI cycles? I just don't know. Jacob and I have discussed it on several occasions…what we think the right next step is and I just really don't know. I mean the possibility of having the chlomid & IUI work is enticing. It would be a fraction of the cost of even the low stim IVF. But what if we do two more rounds and end up with a Big Fat Negative both times and have wasted 2-3 more months of this long drawn out journey? Or even worse what if we did chlomid again and did get pregnant, only to be heartbroken by another ectopic. We would once again be caught up in this waiting game…trying to dig ourselves out of the emotional and physical pit a tubal pregnancy carries along with it. Not that IVF takes our chances of ectopic to zero, but it does greatly reduce it…so that right there might be a reason to just move on…especially if we qualify. So keep the prayers coming that tonight we will find out good news and our decision will become clear of where we go next…so we can stop two timing the doctors and finally feel like we're moving forward again!

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