Saturday, June 20, 2009

All about us

Jacob and I have been married for three lovely years. We originally met online (thank you e-harmony) and spent only 9 short months together before we knew we couldn't live without each other! Both being in our late 20's when we got a little later in my 20's than him...hehe...he would be sure to mention that one if I hadn't :o) so there you go honey, anyway...because of the somewhat later start it was not long before we were ready to "officially" expand our family beyond the two of us. So we got a dog *smile* Not exactly what I meant, but it is true, shortly after our nuptials Tucker joined our family. And although Tucker is adorable and a wonderful cuddler, there was still something missing so we decided we were ready...we were going to start "trying to conceive." So as most couples likely do when that big decision is made and you’re ready for a family, you think that's will happen right away. I mean for years our parents, teachers, etc. told us that if you look at a boy the wrong way there would be a stork on your doorstop nine quick months later. But as we soon learned this journey was not going to be a quick jaunt around the block. After over two years of trying, one ectopic pregnancy, and a multitude of bad news about our fertility chances this journey has been a long path with ups and downs at every turn! But one that has brought more tears and more laughter than we could have possibly experienced had our road been a different one. And the good news is that, God willing, I know that one day we will be a family...and although I don't know how we're going to get there, I do know we're going to get there together!

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