Monday, May 24, 2010

Sorry, we're closed....

And so is my cervix! I've been checked at the OB the past two weeks and both times he informed me that my cervix is currently closed. He said that is pretty normal for a first time Mom. Today though he did say I was about 50% effaced, or thinned out, so atleast something is happening down there :o) I'm really trying not to get too hung up on it because I'm not sure how telling it really is...I mean, I think I could still ultimately go in to labor tonight's all pretty unpredictable at this point. And I didn't really expect much because other than some braxton hicks contractions and some additional pressure down there from time to time...I've been feeling pretty much the same. My doctor and I have had discussions the past couple weeks about what my Dr. calls the "golden child syndrome"...he says often times women who have conceived via IVF...and worked so hard emotionally, physically, and even monetarily (if that's a word) to get to this point...often want to do anything they can to get the baby safely out of their body and in to their arms as soon as possible! He said he is more lenient in these instances and that as long as it's safe for both of us he would be willing to induce me early or do a c-section if that is what I feel like I need. I told him that really I just want to be "normal"...and that a c-section and induction are two things I've been hoping to avoid this whole time...and even though we're in the home stretch, my mind has not changed. So at this point I am really just hoping that Autumn is able to come on her own terms in the next week and a half or so...and that we don't even have to consider any type of medical intervention. So please say your prayers that this is the case!

In other news...I feel like we are ready at this point!! Everything is set in the nursery, all the swings, strollers, etc. are put together, the hospital bag is packed, the car seats are installed, all the baby clothes are washed...and this weekend I even made some homemade meals that I froze for us to eat a few of the nights those first couple weeks! It totally wore me out cooking all day yesterday...that and the fact that I re-mulched the landscaping and did some hedge much so that today my back is killing me. I look like a little old lady because it's almost difficult to walk in the upright position. Guess I'll have to take it more easy from here on out!! So the plan for the next week and a half is to go see a movie or two, get a pedicure, do some reading, watch TV, and hang out with the hubby!! Anything and everything relaxing that I can think of! I think that's the perfect way to spend the last few days before our lives change for the better!! Eek!! I can't believe we're so close! I'll try to keep you all posted! And I figured since I started out this whole process with all my countdowns, I might as well end with one too!!

Countdown to due date: 12 days!!!!!!

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