Friday, March 26, 2010


Jacob and I just returned from our lovely "Babymoon" (that's the honeymoon before the baby :o) in case you were wondering) in Clearwater Beach Florida. It was so nice to be able to just get away for a few days and RELAX...and that is exactly what we did. We had little planned and spent most of our time lounging by the pool, laying on the beach, reading, sleeping was fantastic!! Some nasty weather a few of the days made it even easier to just lay around and let the stress melt away!! The only downside is Jacob was actually sick a few of the days and traveling at 29 weeks pregnant is not the most enjoyable experience feet and legs swelled up like balloons and I got my first experience with cankles, but luckily the retaining water went away and I officially am back to having separate calves and ankles...haha! Atleast for now! Other than that the babymoon was a success and we both really enjoyed one last little trip before little Autumn joins us in just over 2 months!!

I've been contemplating with the idea of having a maternity photo session done. It's strange because before I was pregnant I was like, I'll never do that...who wants to see pictures of me feeling bloated and huge, but the more I thought about it, the more the idea really grew on me. Mostly because I think it would be fun to put some of the pictures in her baby book for her to look back on. And the fact that it took us so long to get to this place, it might be a nice momentum of the journey and a reminder of just how blessed we are now. So Jacob and I tried to do our own "photo shoot" in Florida...I figured the background would be so beautiful that we could fake the rest. Jacob was a great sport and did a great job at getting some shots...of course this meant he wasn't in any of them either :o( but I think even with the lovely pictures we have (see below) we've still decided to hire a photographer to capture the three of us *grin* during the last month of our pregnancy. We had a recommendation from a coworker to go with Donna Harris and have already contracted with her to do the newborn session with Autumn. So we have decided to ask her to do a maternity session as well. Her next available date is May I'll be pushing 38 weeks at that point. Hopefully I won't feel to much like large marge and can capture some great memories of this amazing time!

I had my first bi-weekly appointment at the OB yesterday and the fantastic news is that I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors! Yeah! I received a 98 and anything below 140 is considered normal, so that is wonderful! The bad news is I gained 6 pounds in the past 3 weeks! Yikes!! Considering I'd only gained 15 pounds the entire time before that, 6 seemed like a huge number. I'm going to attribute most of it to retaining water from the trip, eating out every meal for the past week while in Florida, and the fact that my co-workers took me out to lunch yesterday for my birthday and we went to Qdoba AND cold stone it was not a health food day by any means. Hopefully the next visit that will even out some, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. He also mentioned that my iron levels were a little low. And that he wasn't concerned, but recommended I add some iron rich foods like spinach, beans, iron rich meats, or iron fortified cereals to my diet. He think that will correct the problem completely and that I don't need to take an iron supplement or that's good. And I had a good laugh during the he was using the doppler on my belly trying to get a listen to Autumn's heart she gave the wand a good swift kick that I think startled him a little...haha! He was like "oh my, you've got an active one in there" hehe He's got that cracks me up to just watch my belly shake and jiggle as she moves all around in there. She was very active on the plane rides to and from Florida. I'm glad to see she's enjoying herself and stretching her legs a bit. I might change my story in a few weeks as she gets more compressed and I get more and more swift kicks to the gut, but for now it just makes me giggle :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maureen,

    The photos are awesome. I think they'll be a great reminder of the pregnancy. Also, glad to hear you're so healthy. Keep up the good work!

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