And boy oh boy was it a wild one! We went to our ultrasound on August 19th and saw one perfect little baby...saw and heard the said everything looked great! Phew...we started getting excited! Although all that excitement turned to terror when I got home not even an hour later and started bleeding. At first I thought maybe it was just from the lovely ultrasound "wand" since it was an internal ultrasound, but then it got heavier and hope turned to devastation as I was sure this was the beginning of the end. We rushed to the ER after calling the triage at my OB's office and prepared ourselves for the worst. It was just so strange...seeing our perfect little one just an hour could this be happening? They did a pelvic exam and with the amount of blood lost the ER doctor declared he was pretty positive it was a miscarriage and that we should go home and just call my OB in the morning. He went to talk to my OB since she was on call that night and thankfully she was able to pull some strings and get me an ultrasound that night. And miracle of miracles the ultrasound showed our baby was still in there and doing great! It turns out the blood was coming from a clot between the placenta and my lining called a "Subchorionic Hemorrhage." I couldn't stop believe it was over and then to get such wonderful news was amazing! God had blessed us again. The next week was really rough...three days later we were back in the ER with another major almost felt like my water broke, but was a rush of blood. Once again fear dominated while we prayed that another miracle would be granted us...and it was. God is so good!!
Over the next few weeks my OB said it was touch and go. I had four ultrasounds during my eighth week of pregnancy all showing the bleed getting bigger. And had an ultrasound every week for the next few. Thankfully my Mom was able to come in and help out, especially when they put me on bed rest...and it worked. The clot is almost gone. My cramping and bleeding has stopped and baby is growing perfectly.
Tomorrow I will be 14 weeks...the first day of the second trimester. We are feeling hopeful and praying for a much quieter second and third trimester and that God will continue to wrap his arms around me and our tiny perfect little baby. And that we will be blessed with the newest addition to our family next spring!