Well, I know it’s been a LONG time since I’ve last posted. I probably don’t even have anyone that reads this blog anymore, but if anyone is still out there, I thought I’d give a brief update and send you over to my new blog!
So early this year our family got some exciting news…my husband Jacob was given the opportunity to take a position with his company Solutia over in Brussels Belgium! We decided this was one opportunity we just couldn’t pass up and had plans to move end of April/early May of this year! As you can imagine this threw a wrench into our plans to continue trying to expand our family early this year, but more on that in a minute. The plan is still to move to Brussels (we hope), but now it will not be until the August time frame. You can hear all about Brussels and what is going on with that on my new blog by clicking here.
Now, back to baby making…since that is the main point of this blog :o) So we decided with traveling all over Europe and without the support of family and friends close by we would put trying for number 2 on hold for now. We were thinking of maybe trying to do a frozen cycle a year or year and a half into our two year stint in Brussels, but wanted to get some professional advice from the lovely Dr. Ahlering. So we went for a visit and told him our plans/concerns/etc. He was very helpful and optimistic that we could easily come home to do a transfer (even an un-medicated one) whenever we felt ready. When I brought up the concern of my “biological clock” ticking and he looked back at my file and saw my elevated FSH levels he decided we may want to do a “fertility check” on me to ensure my fertility is not declining rapidly. After a fluid ultrasound and some blood tests though, he was confident that at this point in time everything looked good. He recommended getting re-tested every 6 months to a year just to be sure things don’t start heading south. His main concern is that although we feel like we probably already have all of our kids ready to go…referring to our 5 freezer babies just frozen and waiting to be implanted…that realistically the chance that we get one or more live births out of those 5 is VERY low! That was a bit of a shock! We always joke that our maximum kids right now will be 6…assuming all 5 would “take.” But he reminded us what he has learned from years of practicing in this field…that just because you transfer and embryo…that does not automatically equal a baby. Case in point…Autumn would have a twin if this were true as two embryos were transferred at the time she was. So unfortunately the likelihood that we will have to go through another full up IVF cycle someday to achieve our family of 3-4 kids is very high! Bummer! :o( Hopefully though my fertility levels will stay up and if he is right, we will have time to do another fresh cycle before it is too late.
So for now I’m going to leave you, but if at anytime our baby making journey starts back up, I will be back! And of course I couldn't leave without posting a recent picture of my little cutie...she's such a sweetie and we just love her so much!! So enjoy :o) Au revoir...