Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One perfect little miracle!!

So today was the big day...the 1st ultrasound...and our first chance to see how our little one was snuggling in!! I was so nervous by the time 1:10 has rolled around...luckily I had a very busy morning so it flew by, but when we arrived at the doctors office my palms started sweating, I was all figity, and Jacob and I tried to carry on some type of normal conversation just to try and take our mind off what was about to happen!! When Dr. Ahlering entered the room he informed us that we will be looking to see the yolk sac(s), count how many, and just make sure everything looks good. So, off we go...and right away he pointed to the screen and said, "there is exactly what we're looking for!" An audible sigh of relief likely escaped my mouth at this very second *smile*!! He zoomed in on the one tiny little pocket of fluid that I believe is the amniotic sac and inside of that was another little circle (kinda hard to make out on the pictures below) that is the yolk sac. He said everything looked "pretty much textbook" which I assume means right on track. He looked around for another, but said, "yep, looks like it's just the one." So yeah!! We are expecting one perfect little miracle next June 5th!! It's such a relief to finally see our little one and know that it landed just where it was supposed to and as of right now everything is on track!! We get to go back next Wednesday to see him or her again and hopefully hear it's precious little heartbeat! All the nurses at the office came up and were giving us hugs as we left...there are all so sweet and have been so wonderful through this whole crazy process!

This whole thing still seems so surreal, but I'm slowly letting myself get more and more excited! I've decided to even let myself sign up for the baby center weekly e-mails letting me know how our little one is growing every week! It's telling me that at 5 weeks, 3 days our baby is about the size of a sesame seed! So tiny and cute! I can't wait to see how he or she continues to grow. I can't wait till we get to graduate to our OB. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl! I can't wait to decorate the nursery and register for baby stuff! I can't wait to get a big ole belly and buy maternity clothes! I can't wait, I can't wait!! We are so blessed and I can't wait for all of it! Thanks for all the prayers...I can't wait to continue sharing this journey with all of you!

Countdown to 2nd ultrasound: 8 days!!


  1. So very exciting! I am so happy for you guys. It's just awesome to see that little life there on the screen! And I was/am like you... I still get a tad nervous right before every ultrasound. It's just our nature I guess :) Looking forward to many, many more updates!

  2. How wonderful! Beautiful and absolutely perfect little baby!!! :-) That sesame seed is the most amazing thing ever huh?
