Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My heart beats only for you!

So today was our second ultrasound and our little one has come a long way in a week! Unfortunately the ultrasound pictures are really blurry and you can't really make much out so I didn't post them this time, but hopefully they'll start getting better as the weeks continue to fly by! Anyway...back to the was the most amazing thing could see it's little heartbeat just flickering away like crazy! As soon as Dr. Ahlering brought it up on the screen I could see it!! I am in such awe at what a miracle it is...just four weeks ago today...our baby was just some tiny little cells in a petri dish and today it's heart was beating! And according to the books I've been reading it's been beating for almost a week already. God is so great! Dr. Ahlering tried to pick it up on the doppler, but he said due to the way my uterus was sitting and because our little one is snuggled way up towards the top he wasn't able to get the audio *boo* He assured me though that just seeing it drops our chance of miscarriage to about that was awesome news! He also told us the baby is measuring 7 mm...which is right on track with 6 and 1/2 weeks! We are so very blessed! It's starting to feel more and more real...and with each day I relax a little more!! So we have officially graduated and are moving on to our OB...we might get to feel like a normal pregnant couple soon! haha...probably not :o) I, of course, already called and made an we get to go in for another chance to see our little miracle a week and a half from now on October 26th!! *grin*

As far as everything else goes...I have been feeling pretty biggest issue seems to be heartburn...I had it so bad on Monday night that I could not even sit or lay down! I was just pacing around...not fun when you're exhausted! Oh, and the progesterone shots are starting to hurt quite a bit...I don't know if it's because it goes into the same muscle every time or I'm just getting more sensitive as my hormones increase, but it's PAINFUL!! And we've been getting kinda lax on them...before we would begin prepping for it at 7:30...Jacob would make up the shot and then we'd put it in a heating pad to heat up for 30 minutes...and then 8:00 was shot time! Well needless to say the past two times it's been 8:30 and 8:45 when I'm screaming to Jacob "crap, we have to do a shot tonight"...haha! Luckily our latest one has only been 9 I don't think an hour late hurts anything, but thank goodness we only have 4 more to do, because I'm so scared we're going to miss one!!

Guess that's about it for now! Thanks again for all the prayers! Keep 'em coming...:o)

Countdown to 3rd U/S: 12 Days!

1 comment:

  1. Makes my heart smile to read about such fantastic u/s news!!! :-)

    Sorry you're having heartburn... Will the old wives tale be true and this babe have a head full of hair?? :-) Hopefully it will pass soon...

    So I called Dr P today to schedule a new patient. Feb 3 is the earliest! Holy cow! But you are right in that the office staff I talked to was really nice! We were hoping for IVF in Jan so guess that won't be happening... Oh well. Patience is a virtue that I must continue to work on I guess. :-)
