Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're on the clock!

At exactly 11:00 PM sharp tonight I will be getting my HCG trigger shot...the shot that is the final step in maturing all my eggs so that we will be ready for egg retrieval on Saturday!!! It feels so great to know exactly when it will all happen now as it seems like it's taken forever to get here! Dr. A gave us the thumbs up after the ultrasound today. He said he was tempted to wait another day because of a few eggs measuring in at only 15 mm, but he decided in the end it was better not to gamble with the really good 20-22mm ones I here we are! A little over an hour and I get the last shot in my belly...hopefully forever! And right now I'm feeling excited, anxious, eager, overwhelmed, hopeful and pretty much every other emotion there is!

Besides the plethora of emotions...I am also feeling EXTREMELY bloated...ugh. My ovaries are so tender that I feel like they may just pop if I make any sudden movements! So I've been taken' it easy and staying away from any and all sharp objects...haha....just kidding :o) But I have been trying to wear loose clothing and go easy on my poor stomach for a few more days. I feel like I'm carrying precious cargo in there...and those are just the eggs...I can't even imagine how it's going to be when they transfer the embryos to me next week...then I truly will be extra super cautious of everything I'm sure!!

Last thing, then I'll sign off for exactly two weeks from today there is a real chance we will find out that we're pregnant! Two weeks! It may seem like forever away now, but it will be here before we know it and I'm just hoping and praying for a miracle!

Countdown to ER: 39 hours 11 minutes!!!


  1. YIPPEE!!!!!! Oh, I'll be praying for you all that they get some wonderful eggies ready to be fertilized and grow and thrive!!! :-)

  2. Hope the trigger went good... it's only a matter of time now!! I'll be thinking and praying for you all weekend. Make sure Jacob takes good care of you!! :-)
