Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Amazing Day!

So you are not going to believe this...I can still hardly believe it, but right now, at this very moment...we have 15 beautiful little babies growing in their tiny petri dishes at the doctors office!!! That's right...we got the call from Andrea this morning saying that 16 out of the 17 eggs retrieved yesterday were mature and 15 of them fertilized!! It is such a miracle and we feel so blessed that we've had such a good response so far...way better then we imagined even a week ago!! Andrea said they will call us again on Tuesday and give us a report on how our babies are doing and let us know how many are continuing to grow and divide. Tuesday seems like forever away right now as I want the play by play of how each of them is doing, growing, changing, but I know that is not I'm trying to remain patient and just trust in God! He is so amazing and is definitely working in our lives and our hearts through this whole process! So for now, we are very hopeful and just relaxing and enjoying the blessings that keep appearing before us!!

On another note, we did our first *dreaded* progesterone shot last night and all I can say is thank goodness for all the build up and making it seem like the scariest thing ever...because when it came to actually doing it, it was quite easy! I had read on our doctors message boards that the best way to go about these shots is to actually use a heating pad to heat up the syringe full of the medicine...since it is an oil a lot of the pain actually comes from it going in to your it is really thick. So I had the syringe in a heating pad for about 30 minutes last night prior to shot time. I then laid down on my stomach on the bed and tried to prepare for the pain! Jacob had an easy target becuase I had Andrea draw some bullseyes on my hips to show him exactly where to stick me. He asked if I was ready, to which I quickly replied "no, but just do it anyway" haha! And he did! The stick itself wasn't any worse then all the stomach ones I've been enduring for weeks...the worst part was just waiting for him to push it all in. The second recommendation from the boards was to push it in REALLY slowly...which he did...and it seemed like it took forever, but I couldn't really feel anything so that was just perfect! And the good thing is you only do these every three days, so today and tomorrow are totally shot free days! Hooray!!

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers! We are so very hopeful and counting the many, many, blessings we have been given!! Only a few short days till transfer now...I hope the good news just keeps on coming!!

Countdown to Embryo Transfer (ET): 4 days!

1 comment:

  1. OH such a fantastic fertilization report!!!! God continues to provide such awesome results with you all's journey! Will be waiting anxiously alongside you for Tuesday's report... :-)
