Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So the doctors appointment yesterday did not go as I had hoped. First I have not changed at all...I am still only 50% thinned out and my cervix is still completely closed! Boo! And then second, he springs on us the news that he is going to be out of town all next week! You could tell he was leery to tell us this...I think he was just hoping she would come early and it wouldn't be an issue, but here we are...3 days out from my due date and he's getting ready to leave's not looking good! And assuming everything goes smoothly with the birth, it really isn't THAT big of a deal who actually delivers her, but it is a little nerve wracking that if I need a c-section or an episiotomy...or any of these interventions that I've discussed with him that this new person is just going to step in and do them. Someone who I have never met...someone I know nothing about...someone that I don't even remember his name at this point! Ugh...needless to say, I'm a little stressed. He assured me that his replacement is a great doctor and he would trust his own wife with him, but still...I'm not happy with the situation. And it's not helping that I was already beginning to stress out about the idea of having to be induced, but now I really feel like it's a race to the finish line...and this little girl REALLY needs to make her appearance in the next 3 days! No pressure! I'm trying to remain positive...and think happy thoughts...about my water breaking tonight...or about contractions starting early tomorrow...anything, but it's hard! I did contact Christine at WellBody to see if she thought some acupuncture might help and she said it can't I'm going in tomorrow afternoon. If nothing else, it will likely relax me some, so that's always a good thing.

So the game plan for now is just to pray that Autumn does decide she's ready in the next few days and we're able to deliver with our OB and without medical intervention. If not she'll have all next week to come on her own...and be greeted by some strange man neither one of us have met. And if she still hasn't arrived, it looks like we'll have a planned induction on Sunday, June 13th when our doctor comes back from his trip...which would likely put her birthday on the 14th. So please pray she decides she's ready and comes soon...

Countdown to due date: 3 days!!!!

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