Saturday, January 30, 2010


As promised here are some baby bump and nursery pictures...

Here is the crib (and Lily testing out the crib for Autumn)...I love the's from Pottery Barn kids and the pillows are from Target. The pillows will be moved to the window seat once it's built.

This is a nightlight I found at babies r'us...thought the eiffel tower pictures was appropriate :o)

And the dresser...

And my favorite two pieces so far...a cute little has a drawer and two some nice storage. And my eiffel tower painting. It's a lot smaller than I was imagining so I'm going to attempt to paint another one myself to go over the dresser/changing table. We'll see how it goes...:o)

Still LOTS to do, but it's coming along nicely. I'll of course post the final product when it all comes together in a few months!!


  1. Hey Maureen! Happy to hear you are doing better - you have been in my thoughts and prayers for sure! I just love all the pics. You really do have that motherly glow :) Have fun finishing up the nursery. Can't wait to see the final result! It's coming together so nicely!!

  2. Love the pieces of the nursery you have now and cannot wait to see the finished product! I second Cathy, you have such a pregnancy glow going on! :-)
